Selasa, 21 Juli 2009
Other application of botox injection
The first time being used during 1980, botox that was made from bacteria extracted Clostridium botulinum currently increasingly populer. Had millions of people all over the part of the world that used injection of botox as the solution of their beauty.
Injection of Botox was used to conceal the contraction in and around the eyes and the face that 90% sucessefully effect him could remain for three till four months since the use. In the research was revealed that the injection of botox apart from to eliminate the contraction on the well-off also face improved balance, ability to walk with a better posture, the USA well the USA correcting the foot deformity. During 2001 Botox was used to reduce spacity the muscle after being affected stroke. in a research into the sufferer stroke, their situation became better after used botox.
In the same year, in a study was known that botox also could be used to reduce sweat that excessive. Afterwards, in the other study also was known that someone that suffered was back pain, only needed time around 3 weeks to get the condition that was better after used injection of botox. It Is amazing to know that apart from the different applications of Botox injection.
Nevertheless, was suggested to use botox injection through consultations and the supervision of the doctor in order to the matter that was dangerous for the health. clik here to more information about this
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9 komentar:
mari rame-rame menggunakan botox, hahahahahahahaha
Perlu hati hati dan pengawasan ahlinya yaa...
*ga jelas komentnya, ga ngerti :D
eh ya sekalian,
ada yang baru di blogku.
koment yak.
salam perjuangan!!!
Botok(bahasa Jawa)artinya makanan dibungkus daun pisang dan dikukus :)
@big sugeng: ho tar jontor2 lagi kalau asl2an
@ardie gokil: berangkat brayyyy
@bocahbancar: hahahahah...gue doyan banget tuh, apalagi kalau gratis. wakakakakakakak
faizz..hiks hiks..lo tega ma gw...udah tau gw dududz bahasa ingggris...ehh malah posting pake bahasa inggris...
kasih donk bahasa jepang....italy...itu gw bisa tuh.....bisa liatnya doank hehehheh
mm botox yaa.....lo curiga langganan di botox ya bro?? wakakkaka
weee..cocok banget buat gw yang udah tuir nih izzz...wakakakaka!
basa korea.
kalo botox di tempat sih, makanan dari parutan kelapa dan biji lamtoro, dibungkus pakai daun pisang.
wahhh, cobain donk bro, kayaknya seru tuh wkwkwkkwkwkw
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