Blog that was increasingly popular was the abbreviation from "web log" that by the user blog was used to write various information, tips, the article, the communication media to discuss some topic ,made blog as personal diary, to used blog as one of the advertising medias.
Google, as the seeker's biggest machine and was accessed by million humankind in the world, finally had created the infrastructure and the networking of advertising with the contents. Combined google with blog advertising and mentioned him advertising adsense.
An user blog, that decided to co-operate with the company like google, must provide space for the advertisement placing in their website. To avoid dishonesty from the owner website, google had the strict regulation in the advertisement placing in website, his aim was to get valid clicks from real costumers. In order to be able to get the big production from google adsense, then google more give priority to website with high keyword density for Search Engine Optimization (SEO), website that had traffic high and consistent, the expensive keyword and had link that had a quality.
Google had the good reputation and many experiences with advertising and the marketing, so as could improve the potential for advertising worldwide. this matter that afterwards became the standard of the advertisers to advertise in google. and this matter will also blow will be increasingly will naturally make your Web site more popular, attracting more customer traffic.
so, what you waiting for?
made a blog with any contend you like after that gathered with google adsense to get money. and if u feel confusing a you need more information all of you can visit ing here
7 komentar:
Ora mudeng aku BRo...he..he...
@prof: jangan salah sangak, gue juga melongo depan komputer nulis artikel itu ampe 6 jam, wakakakakakakakka
langsung koment
tapi ga ngerti bahasanya sob.
jadi numpang sepam aja ya.
disetiap posting.
faizz......tolong..tolong..mohon dengan sangaaaat......tolong artiin dalam bahasa padang...wakakakka
@andie: wakakakakakakkaa...spam bayar kalau disini, hahahahahaa
@sussy ella: waduh harus minta pertolongan dulu ama temen gue yang orang padang, baru bisa translate, hahahahahahha
you have a fast hosting
и всё эе: бесподобно. а82ч
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